"Malfunction" vs. "Failure"
Maine Septic System Definitions: "Malfunction" vs. "Failure"
Maine Deportment of Health Engineering (DHE) Guidelines:
These guidelines from Maine DHE are more relaxed, focused on code enforcement and compliance.
Indicators of "Malfunction":
Wastewater outbreak/seepage
Backup into the structure, not due to plumbing blockage
Contamination of nearby wells or water bodies
Maine Association of Site Evaluators (MASE) Guidelines:
The MASE guidelines are more strict, prioritizing functionality and user needs.
Indicators of "Failure":
I firmly believe that Maine's private sector should insist on standard terminologies like "Malfunctioning" or "Failure" in septic reports aligning with definitions provided by MASE and MDHE.
There are clear benefits to this:
A complete write up is availble at the link below.
For inquiries about septic inspection services, feel free to contact FixME LLC through the provided link below.
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